The Commercial Court of Vienna, represented by Christiane Kaiser LL.M.(WU) in the case of the plaintiff Erdal GmbH, FN 252387 h, 5400 Hallein, Neualmerstraße 13, represented by BINDER GRÖSSWANG Rechtsanwälte GmbH, Rechtsanwälte in 1010 Vienna, against the defendant reNEW Technologies Ltd, Cg.0 1-09-3553 1 2, 0 W1F8GQ London, Waverly House, Noel Street 7-12, represented by Heid und Partner Rechtsanwälte GmbH Kundmanngasse 21, 1030 Vienna, for injunctive relief (amount in dispute for injunctive relief EUR 31,000.00, the two requests for publication EUR 7,000.00 each, EUR 45,000.00 in total) after a public hearing:
- „the world's first upcycled cleaner“, if this does not correspond to the facts, in particular because the product was not manufactured in an upcycling process; and/or- „the only sustainable and clean solution to replace everyday cleaning products“, or similarly claiming a leading position for their products when it is not demonstrably true, in particular when there are other environmentally friendly cleaning products;and/or with statements with similar content, in particular by placing Internet links to such content.
- „The bottle is made of 100% recycled plastic” [in particular as in enclosure ./6], and/or- „The packaging is made from 100% recycled plastic” [in particular as in enclosure ./11] and/or- „100% recycled plastic bottle” and/or as in enclosure ./V, p. 3:
- „recycled water”, in particular if the ready-to-use cleaning agent consists of 90 % fresh water, in particular tap water;- „'the world's first recycled cleaner' and/or„the world's first upcycled cleaner“ without limitation and/or- „the only sustainable and clean solution to replace everyday cleaning products” without limitationand/or with statements of the same content, in particular by placing internet links to such content,will be rejected.
- „90% recycled content” [in particular as shown in Exhibit ./H, pp. 1, 2, 3, 4;./J, p. 1], in particular as shown below„over 90% recycled ... Ingredients” [in particular as in Exhibit ./E, p. 1; ./J, p. 6] - „from over 90% ... recycled raw material” [in particular as in Exhibit ./H, p. 2, 5; ./J, p. 4, 7, 8]- „ > 90% recycled content” [in particular as in Exhibit ./V, p. 1],and/or with statements with similar content, in particular by placing internet links to such content.is rejected.
5. The defendant is obliged to publish the judgment and the partial judgment of the Vienna Higher Regional Court, with the exception of the decision on costs, at its own expense within six months of the decision becoming final on the websites under the domains https://www.rencwtech.co, https://at.cycle.bio and https://dach.cycle.bio as well as on the Facebook page facebook.com/renewtech. co, or on subsequent pages, for an uninterrupted period of one month in such a way that the publication can be seen immediately and without scrolling, but not in the form of a pop-up window, under the bold headline “In the name of the Republic!” in the same way as for editorial articles, with a bold border, bold headlines and the names of the parties to the proceedings printed in bold and blocked print as well as color illustrations, on English-language media in English translation.\
Commercial Court Vienna, Department 53
Vienna, June 24, 2024
Christiane Kaiser, LL.M. (WU), Judge
We brew acetic acid and nutrients from biosolids.
reNEW Technologies - a circular enterprise - has developed a patented biothermal 2-step process to ferment and extract volatile fatty acids (VFA) and nutrients (NPK) from biosolids.
The extracted VFA together with the recycled water forms the base for an acetic acid (vinegar) cleaning agent, while the NPK forms a humic acid rich liquid fertilizer. Besides recovering useable products, the process also reduces the volume of the processed biosolids by almost 50%.
Incubated within UTB Envirotec, an engineering firm with over 30 years’ global experience in wastewater and biosolids treatment, reNEW Technologies was spun-off in 2015 to commercialize this unique technology. It is a privately held company and is co-located in UK and Hungary.
One of the products that can be made from our manufacturing process is liquid bio-fertilizers, rich in micro-, macro nutrients and humic acids. The organic matter improves soil properties for optimum plant growth, including tilth, friability, fertility and water holding capacity. They also decrease the need for pesticide use.
It’s been successfully tested by golf courses, nurseries and hobby gardens. Available soon!
Our organic acids and recycled water are and excellent base material for sustainable & effective household cleaners that are safe for you, your home and the planet. Marketed under the CYCLE brand, these cleaners target the consumer and professional markets. The CYCLE brand is currently in a go-to-market phase. Please visit CYCLE to learn more:
Our research and development team is constantly working on taking the best out of organic waste. Building on the fermentation (Aerotherm) and distillation (Carbonator) platform developed to extract Volatile Fatty Acids, our next focus for this versatile raw material is Bioplastics. Stay tuned for further updates.